Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
July 11, 2004
The Religion of Peace Eradication
(Category: News & Notes )

Arab Muslims in Sudan have displaced over a million blacks, killed tens of thousands of them and destroyed hundreds of their communities. You know, because their peaceful religion demands it and all.

"They say they don't want to see black skin on this land again," said Issa Bushara, whose brother and cousin were gunned down in front of their horrified families during an attack by the Janjaweed militia.

The Arab Muslim militants are being assisted in their 17 month slaughter by the Arab Muslim government forces. Fortunately the UN has decided to take an active role in stopping the wholescale murderous regime almost issue an official condemnation. They decided not to at the last minute for the past year and a half because Sudan deserves another chance is an Arab Muslim country is only slaughtering blacks might be able to turn it around by themselves in another year and a half just as soon as all the blacks are dead or driven off.

At the Kounoungo refugee camp, 50 miles from the Sudan border, Zenaba Ismail sits on a dirt floor. In her arms, she cradles her sister's sleeping infant.

Janjaweed fighters burst into their home early one morning and shot the child's pregnant mother in the stomach. The shooting induced labor, and she died while giving birth.

"He cries all the time, but I have no milk to give him," said the tall woman with traditional scars etched on her hallowed cheeks. "Every time I look at this child, I see my sister, and I can't stop the tears."

Refugee camps in outlying areas and neighboring countries are now seeing massive deaths from starvation, malnutrition and epidemic. These are outnumbering the actual murders.

Humanitarian Affairs Minister Ibrahim Hamid Mahmoud conceded some abuses may have taken place in Darfur, but insisted there was no "systematic, well-organized violence."

"The major problem for humanitarian activities is the rebels," he said.

Satellite photos acquired by USAID in June show that some 56,000 mud-brick houses with grass roofs have been torched in nearly 400 Darfur villages. The Janjaweed also burn down trees, steal food and cattle, and blow up wells and irrigation canals in a scorched-earth policy that human rights groups describe as "ethnic cleansing."

The government says it's just two minority groups sparring over scarce resources. They deny that they have armed the Arab Muslims and are actively supporting them with army assets and troops.

In April, when the world marked 10 years since the 1994 slaughter that killed at least 500,000 in Rwanda, U.N. Secretary-General Kofi Annan (news - web sites) warned that a new genocide could unfold in Sudan.

Since then, U.N. officials have shied away from such politically loaded terms, saying Janjaweed fighters appear to include members of some of the same three main ethnic groups targeted in the raids.

U.N. officials estimate that between 15,000 and 30,000 people have been killed. But some analysts put the figure much higher.

The UN and USA have both visited and the government has pledged to send 6,000 troops to disarm the Arab Muslims. The problem? The Arab Muslim troops that are sent get integrated with the militants and make them more efficient at killing and driving off the blacks.

So what will it take before the UN actually does something? It would be easy to spur them into action. Just drop some Jews in there and have them kill a Muslim Arab militant and the UN will trip over itself to get involved.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Well Jim,

see the problem is Israel is building a security fence. Now it all makes sense doesn't it? I mean the security fence will lead to the death of no one really, and it has helped prevent the death of Israeli citizens (and tourist)but still...they must condemn, so they haven't had the time to deal with the thousands of deaths in Sudan.

Really simple when you think about it.

Posted by: Rachel Ann at July 11, 2004 11:25 AM

Yeah, it's those darned Israelis. They suck up all of the UN resolutions so there aren't any left for anybody else! I wouldn't be surprised if this was all a neocon conspiracy. Use Israel to distract the world with their inhumane fence building so we can disrupt the Sudan and prepare to steal their OOOOIIIILLLLLL.

Posted by: Jim at July 11, 2004 02:07 PM
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