Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
June 01, 2004
Three Thoughts
(Category: True Stories )

I was watching "Humanimals: Wild Makeovers" on Discovery Health over the weekend. This is a show about extreme body modification. Things like facial tattoos, implants, split tongues and other such things. They profiled several people who've gone to various levels of body modification. Two were relatively minor - the reptile man has the tattoo of lizard scales all over his body (face and head included) plus a split tongue. The cat girl was similarly adorned with tiger stripe tattoos.

The other two were quite a bit more severe. Cat man had the tattoos as well as a surgically cleft lip (yeah, the thing that people pay money to fix in their kids so they can talk normally), sharpened teeth, whisker implants, cheek implants, 4 inch long finger nails and cat eye contacts. Enigma has the tattoo of a jigsaw puzzle over his entire body with blue tattooed over his face and hands. Oh, he has horns implanted too.

Now I don't care one bit if people want to mess with themselves. It's not for me but it's not going to bother me when other people do it. Some of it is pretty cool. I mean, back when I was a teenager and playing Dungeons and Dragons it would have been cool to have a pair of horns. Then again, Enigma is in his late twenties and has other issues besides a juvenile imagination. Whatever...

The point is that the first thing I thought of while watching this is that people who go for such extreme modification, even just the ones with the full body tattoos, are relegating themselves to a career as either a circus freak or a phone sex operator. When you can't speak normally because you had your lip cleft or your tongue split then phone sex operator is probably not going to happen either.

The second thought came about during a segment when the shy and reclusive cat man (he says he's a tiger, what's this shit about shy and reclusive?) journeys to visit his sister who he hasn't seen in many years. The narrative laments that he gets all of this attention because of his appearance and its very stressful for his shy reclusive self. As you may imagine, the 'second thought' I am talking about was a big mental "BULLSHIT!" If you intentionally turn yourself into a freak then you don't get to whine about being seen as a freak, okay? I don't mean freak in a mean way either. But if your belief is that you aren't really human inside so you want the outside to represent that, don't bitch and cry when humans react to you like maybe just maybe you aren't quite right. It's because you aren't. You need to either live with that (or find a way not to live with it) but there is no pity party for you. This isn't a birth defect or a disease or something else out of your control. You're not disfigured, you're refigured, and you've done it yourself. People react to you like you're a freak because you are a freak.

The show ended with cat man at the train/bus station all alone and wearing a novelty cat tail. You may have seen these before as part of somebody's costume. This one was a tiger tail about four feet long and maybe five inches in diameter and it looked exactly like a plush stuffed tiger tail from somebody's very large stuffed animal. It was wagging slowly back and forth as the narrator said something like "...but sadly, for Cat, he will have to use this battery operated remote controlled tail until medical science advances to the point where he can have one implanted" and that led me to my third thought. It is not sad that this guy has to wait to get a surgically implanted tail (if that'll ever happen). What's sad is that a fully grown man is standing on a loading dock wearing a stuffed cat tail and thinking it makes him a cat.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Jim -
I saw that too. Didn't one of the cat "people" live his life outside as a cat as well? Maybe a different show.

Dungeons and Dragons?

Oh my....I'm not going to say a single thing.

Posted by: Tiffani at June 1, 2004 01:22 PM

I saw Cat Man previously on the Taboo show. He lives in a trailer and worked in electronics assembly until his fingernails got too long. In that show they took film of him stalking through the woods with bow and arrow but it was obvious that he couldn't pull the bow because of the fingernails. He was also loud as hell.

He claims Indian heritage and a cat totem. Indian symbology has nothing to do with physical appearances so his body modification isn't anything related to being part Indian.

He's also got big man boobs.

All in all he's a pretty sad character.

Posted by: Jim at June 1, 2004 01:37 PM

I saw that in Sweden about 4 months ago-the one that got me was the guy who was tattooed to look like a Jaguar, wears only a loincloth, fishes in the icy streams and eats raw fish, and is living in a tiny forest somewhere in BFE Scotland. I had two thoughts then:

1) Jaguars are a tropical animal, not an ideal candidate for Scotland.

2) It's so damn cold in Scotland, that I can only guess what the loincloth is needed for is to reveal a bare patch, where the previous apendage simply froze off.

I don't know if he's a freak or not, I guess it's all relative. I just think: fine, go your own way, but at least consult National Geographic as to the accuracy before you do it.

Martha Stewart has nothing on me.

Posted by: Helen at June 1, 2004 04:42 PM

If *that's* the best thing on TV -- you're bettah off blogging...

D&D? This is me not going there...

Posted by: Claire at June 1, 2004 04:46 PM

Oh, right! Jaguar Man. I forgot about him - that must have been the one that you were thinking of, Tiffani.

And yes, all of you. I said D&D. I'm not proud of being a Dominant & Desired player but I'm not afraid to bare my soul. I was young and I was experimenting...

Posted by: Jim at June 1, 2004 07:45 PM

Hi, I don't really know what this website is about, but My boyfriend and I were doing a search on google for the "reptile man" and other such people who have had severe body modifications. The only thing we could find after an hour of searching was this thread. We were hoping that one of you might know of a website that has photos and info/bios on any of these known people. If you can help me out, fantastic, muchly appreciated.

Posted by: Gita at July 10, 2004 04:52 AM

Gita, try BME. There's some good source material, stories and links.

Posted by: Jim at July 10, 2004 07:35 AM

Met Cat Man at Comic-Con last week. He doesn't have big man boobs..he has *huge* man boobs. I didn't see the show so I was not sure if it was a man or woman until I heard his voice. *shudder*. I took a couple pix and left the area asap. I'm all for freedom of expression etc etc.. but imho it's sad. I read an interview that sed he *liked* the attention *shrug*. He did seem like a friendly/nice guy but it was totally creepy to me. Hey, if he's tryin to be a tiger, what's w/ all the snake scale tattoos?

Posted by: webbie at July 30, 2004 06:26 PM

I am doing a report on body modification. If anyone knows of any sites besides BME were i could get info on humanimals, I would really appreciate it.

Posted by: janet at October 4, 2004 12:23 PM

this is real late in reference to what you were discussing but his "*huge* man boobs" resulted from a problems with a certain kind of cancer he has. hilarious.

Posted by: aj at December 4, 2004 04:30 PM


You said "man boobs".


Posted by: Jim at December 6, 2004 03:07 PM
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