Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
May 25, 2004
These dreams in the mist...
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

I had the weirdest dream last night...

I was falling through the air, the wind ripping at my clothes, blinding me and whipping my hair about. I vaguely remembered a fight on the airplane and sabotaging it so the people on board (terrorists I think) would die. I was falling and perfectly calm, with no parachute. Then I remembered that I had thrown the only parachute out of the plane before the fight. I had to catch up to it now.

I caught a glimpse of it tumbling far below and behind me and I angled myself to catch it, just like James Bond. In my head I was processing my fall: attitude, altitude, trajectory, velocity, overtake, you name it. I was processing the parachute's fall too, especially how it's terminal velocity and relative speed were changing as it tumbled. It made the numbers jiggly to follow but I was running them like my brain was some sort of supercomputer (not that this should surprise any of you).

To reiterate, I wasn't frightened at all. In fact I didn't think about the fall itself at all, just the mathematical construct of the variables and effects of it. An image coalesced in my mind's eye that represented my reaching the parachute in time to secure it and deploy it safely. It was a tesseract and as my chances of survival dropped, the tesseract collapsed on itself.

As I slowly gained on the parachute I saw the ground gaining definition as it rushed up toward me. I watched as the tesseract inexorably drew in upon itself. I caught the tumbling parachute, oriented on it and put my right arm through a strap. I spun around to let the wind carry the parachute into place and put my left arm through. The tesseract was almost flat as I buckled the harness in place and grabbed the rip cord. The tesseract was flat. I pulled the cord.

And an anvil popped out, a la Wiley Coyote, and took up position a few feet above my head. I crossed my arms and got a foul look on my face. I rolled my eyes, said "fuck it" and woke up.

Damned roadrunners.

POINTS: 3 points to the first person to name the group that sang the title to this post. No searching please.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Heart. And I hate that song. :(

Posted by: ilyka at May 25, 2004 11:54 AM

Ding ding ding ding!

Dang, I didn't even get to send out a notification. 3 points for Ilyka!

Posted by: Jim at May 25, 2004 12:08 PM

hey, man... don't bogart that whateveryegot. That's some dream-stuff. duude.

Posted by: Claire at May 25, 2004 04:51 PM
Posted by: Richard at August 24, 2010 02:24 AM
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