Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
May 24, 2004
The weekend was a veritable bounty of delectable posts!
(Category: Other People's Stuff )

I came across a bumper crop of excellent posts this weekend. Normally I appreciate these and then get distracted by something shiny but this time I maintained focus long enough to note down the links. Woo hoo!

So here are my favorites from the weekend:

Trey gives us a rule to live by:

There are a few occasions when I strongly recommend following the crowd, going with the flow, doing what everyone else does and this is one of those times. If you follow a guy in a silver Passat on the interstate and he’s going 90+ miles an hour, singing and dancing to Latin pop music, and then suddenly he slows to a frustrating pace of 60ish, you should guess that something is afoot, especially if you look around and everyone else is doing the same thing. (Slowing down, I mean. Not the dancing part.)

Clancy noticed the difference between Kerry and Bush, at least as far as their commitment to fitness:

Kerry was uninjured in his accident, but he didn’t finish his ride - the article said the bike went to the shop so perhaps he bent his custom Serotta as he slowed to a stop. President Bush was scraped up pretty good, yet when offered a drive home he refused and instead completed his ride. I think there is a pretty clear analogy to be made between those two statements.

Madfish Willie found the coolest color pallet generator:

If you are trying to get a selection of the same base color, this is the tool to use.

While you are over there, check out some of his other stuff in the sidebar. I think it would be interesting even to the technologically challenged amoung us.

Andrew found a link to a picture of a Bradley APC that ran into a retarded explodikazi. Hopefully there are more fundies who don't understand the difference between armored transports and school buses.

I saw this a couple places but the first was a post at Silflay Hraka. A wishlist for the ultimate Real Time Strategy Wargame:

I want a super-cool custom weapons lab where I can design mech armor for my infantry with wicked acid-tipped missiles and guns that shoot spiders. Then I want to watch as a hundred men are cooked alive in the desert because of a defect in the internal air conditioning units that shorted due to condensation in the fusion coils and insufficient insulation in the wiring units bypassing the laser reactor core, due to the contractor's decision to use over-the-counter components instead of the military-grade ones mandated in Subsection 12:94A, Paragraph B of the Military Weapons Platform Procurement Act of 3013, a document that is 14,724 pages long and contains some 81,301 loopholes that allow congressmen to bypass component testing and funnel lucrative military contracts to cut-rate suppliers from their home districts at the peak of every election cycle.

e-Claire has an excellent rundown on the history of the Wahabis, al Quaedans, Ba'athists, et al and just why they ain't gonna stop.

Wahhabis consider Wahhabism to be the only true form of Islam. They do not regard Shi'as as true Muslims, and are particularly hostile to Sufism . They are hostile to all non-Muslim religions. Most militant Islamist organizations are Wahhabi organizations - for example the militant group Hamas is a Palestinian descendant of the Muslim Brotherhood. The exception is the Shi'a Hizballah organization.

Wahhabism is the official practice of Islam in Saudi Arabia ; Saudi Arabia considers it a state crime to convert to any other form of Islam, or to convert to any other religion.

There you go. Read and enjoy!

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