Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
May 04, 2004
What the hell was I thinking?
(Category: True Stories )

Long-time readers might recall my penchant for jotting down topics to write about later. When an idea gets into my head I'll just note a few key elements and those will allow me to recall the thought process and gist of what I was thinking at a later time. It doesn't always work.

While reviewing my notepad here at work I found a few lines in one corner of a back page that are an obvious topic note to myself but I can't recall what the hell I was thinking. (Therefore the title of this post! See how it's all coming together?)

Here is the note, reproduced in all its glory:

"Hit the head"


smack his head

Long Meeting

have to pee

Why is the first line in quotes? Was I looking for etymology of the phrase? What did the King of Kings have to do with Navy bathrooms? Why is he smacking his head. Or is that a command to smack Ozy in the noggin? The last two lines seem to go well together until I tell you that in Jim shorthand that capitalization is for a reason so "Long Meeting" is a title.

Can anybody put these together into cogent (or amusing) form?

Posted by Jim | Permalink

I can' t put them together for you, but I have them too! I make a note of them in my mobile phone, and then later write about it.

I can try to help you out, if you can help me out with "prostitution vouchers".

I have no idea.

I can tell you-when I wrote that one, alcohol was involved.

Posted by: Helen at May 4, 2004 10:59 AM

I'm not sure what a "prostitution voucher" would be but I like the sound of it. That reminds me of "blowjob coupons". If you can remove the label from a beer bottle perfectly intact it's a valid blowjob coupon that your S/O is obligated to accept.

The much smaller label on the neck of the bottle is for handjobs.

Posted by: Jim at May 4, 2004 12:46 PM

Blow one get one free? Heh

Posted by: Rob at May 5, 2004 06:39 AM
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