Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
April 19, 2004
Sleepy time for Dukies
(Category: Other People's Stuff )

Seems the kids attending Duke get cranky when they have classes too early in the morning. 8 AM is just too early for the little sleepy heads. So few people signed up for those early classes that lots of departments stopped offering them. But now the little dears are complaining because there aren't enough classes available.

The solution? 8:30 classes, of course. Kimberly doesn't think this is going to help too much and offers a different solution:

Now, there are classes at 8:30, but if they're hour-long classes, the next available time slot is 10 am, not 9. The whole day is essentially shifted back one hour, so students who were going to bed at 1 am before will be going to bed at 2 am now. Methinks that forcing bars to close a half-hour earlier would do more to get students into snoozeland than scheduling classes a half-hour later.

Of course you have to tie that in with RA's that actually enforce the dorm rules but otherwise it's definitely a better solution than a half-hour offset for the first class of the day.

Posted by Jim | Permalink

I realize that I am quite out-of-touch, but what do bars have to do with attending class?

Oh! I see: these children aren't able to be responsible enough in their lives so they want the government to do a little "social engineering" so that they don't have to think

Posted by: Trey Givens at April 19, 2004 01:34 PM

Essentially, yes. That's actually Kimberly's main argument (though I picked her sarcastic quote cause it was funnier). The kids won't go to early classes because they're too sleepy. The departments reacted by removing the early (empty) classes. The kids whine because there aren't enough classes available. The school adds an 8:30 class and prepares to repel whiners who will be oh so put out by an 8:30 start time.

Whiney mopes who can't take it upon themselves to get to bed at a reasonable time and a university that is catering to them. Pathetic.

Posted by: Jim at April 19, 2004 01:42 PM

And to think -- I'd have given my right breast for a Daddy Warbucks, or grant (my single parent mother actually made too much money) or some gift from above to attend college. (Don't start with me. I did take some classes and then received a "technical school" certificate -- for which I'm still paying student loans.)

Whiny little pukes. Don't make me "Go Mom" on them. Grrrrr.

Posted by: Emma at April 19, 2004 06:46 PM
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