Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
March 19, 2004
What's your superpower?
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

My previous post got me thinking about superpowers. My favorite wouldn't really be the projectile dootie I linked to before. I'm not really sure what superpower I'd most like to have but it comes down to one of these three:

Polymorphic: That's a shapechanger for all y'all that's weak on your latin. That's like the blue naked lady in the X-Men movies. How cool would it be to look exactly the way you want to instantaneously? No more worries about bad hair days or having clean underwear. Just wake up, take a crap, poof into the look you want and you're out the door. Want to hang out at muscle beach? Poof, you're The Rock! Want to play runway model? Poof, you're Kate Moss! Want an ice cream but you left your wallet at home? Poof, you're a soulful eyed waif! In a fight with the Yakuza? Poof, you're superfast, superstrong, with skin harder than rhinocerous armor.

Flying: Yeah, I know it's common and trite but I've never lost my childhood desire to fly. This is the most common dream power I get, though I've gotten much slower as I've matured. A lot of times I'm really just gliding now. Still cool but I guess I'm feeling my age in my dreams.

Stopping Time: I used to have lots of fun imagining what it would be like to be able to stop time. This one has loads of opportunity for mischief (and outright criminal behavior). Sure, you could save the heroine by stopping the bullet inches before it hits her and moving her out of the way. Sure, you could save the four kids in the back seat of the runaway car just before it heads off of the bridge/cliff/parking ramp. But think of all the things you could do in your time off...every beach is a nude beach for the person who can stop time. And it's only the people you want to see nude who are nekkid. Money is no object. Well, I guess it's still an object it's just a really easy to reach object. Anything that you want is yours for the taking and as long as you're taking it from bad guys and jerk-offs your concience is clear, right? That is so sweet.

So, if you could have a superpower, what would it be?

Posted by Jim | Permalink

I would totally go for the polymorphic one. Totally. When I was a kid, I used to love the Wonder Twins, since they could do this. My only question was, when she said: "Form eagle!" and turned into an eagle, and he said "Shape of...a bucket of water!" and turned into a bucket of water....where did the bucket come from?

Posted by: Helen at March 19, 2004 10:33 AM

That was the little known extra power that Jaze had. His toenails could also transform into inanimate objects like buckets or hoses or squirt guns. It made him quite a bit more powerful than most people gave him credit for.

Posted by: Jim at March 19, 2004 10:48 AM

I've always thought that time-stopping coupled with mind-reading would be the ultimate combo.

Posted by: mallarme at March 19, 2004 11:33 AM

I saw the incredibles the other day, and I think that Force Fields are cool.

Posted by: Andrew at December 5, 2004 02:47 AM
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