Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
March 10, 2004
Those Crazy Japanese
(Category: True Stories )

Most arcade game manufacturers go for racing, fighting or some sort of shooting galery concept. As far as I know the repeatedly ram a giant plastic finger into a virtual rectum milieu is virgin territory. Or it was until recently anyway.

The Boon-Ga Boon-Ga game allows the intrepid player to sodomize one of eight characters including ex-girlfriend, mother-in-law, prostitute and child molester. As you spank and invade the nether regions of your selected victim they scream in agony on the game screen. At the end of your session you get a card that gives you your sexual proficiency rating.

Although the game might seem a bit gratuitously violent (and otherwise disturbing) at least it is promoted by big soft cuddly characters. One is a giant version of the probing fist of doom and the other is a six foot tall shit monster.

I don't have anything else for this one. It's well beyond any satirical skills I may have previously possessed. I'm pretty much just stunned and running on at this point. Let me leave you with a portion of the game review from SeanBaby:

This game does more than threaten the future with an army of highly trained madmen proctologists, it shames America's industrial complex. First we lose the space race to the Commies, and now Japan and Korea have beaten us in the great Virtual Digital Rectal Stimulation Simulation race. And if you're anything like me, you've already asked yourself about the dangers of this ass technology being in the hands of two foreign powers known for giant radioactive monsters and nuclear weapons, respectively. And again, if you're like me, this train of thought quickly hits a wall when you realize that you're not an accredited expert on foreign colon-probing policies. So until one of us is, let's just assume that we're all going to die, but not quite as quickly if we stay far away from Boong-Ga Boong-Ga.

Amen, brother.

(Hat tip to Dopple-G, may he burn eternally for exposing me to this)

Posted by Jim | Permalink

You know one doesn't normally equate Japan with repressed feelings but any country that needs to vent its pent up anger at its mother-in-law or ex-spouse in this way, really needs to consider therapy. I am sensing a lot of mass anger, possibly related to the fact that they got their asses handed to them about 60 years ago.

Posted by: Christine at March 11, 2004 08:49 AM

I dunno...between this and the used schoolgirl panty vending machines I'm just thinking they're overall fubar.

Posted by: Jim at March 11, 2004 09:04 AM


"asses handed to them" is not what happened, they lost sure but in no way was it a reasonable victory. If the americans employed the same method to gain said "victory" today, the whole government would be put up for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

Therefore, the only thing you seem to be sensing is your own ignorance.

Posted by: Steve at December 19, 2004 05:12 AM
Posted by: fjdh at August 25, 2009 12:42 AM
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