Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
February 25, 2004
Expand your buttcabulary
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

You remember the Butt Game, right? That's where you call out "Butt" and something that you can see. Whoever gets the most laughs wins. Well, Bear is getting really good at this. The other day we were playing it in the car and he trumped both Lovely Wife and myself with his butt-isms. Some were so good that I couldn't help but wonder why they aren't part of our regular vocabulary. In the interest of expanding the wonder and grace of the English language I present a sample of Buttcabulary.

Buttramp: Sounds naughty doesn't it? This word could be used with hillarious effect as a synonym for "slide".

Buttplate: This is an actual word already but it lends itself to another definition. You know those round plastic sleds that you can't control worth a damn and are designed so you can't sit at the center of gravity so you always end up going down the suicidal hill backwards? Yeah, those are now called buttplates.

Buttbus: "Short bus" has taken on dangerously non-PC tones. We'll call them buttbusses from now on.

Buttpole: Can't really stay away from homosexual references when we're talking about butts, can we?

Buttlight: The doctor uses this during rectal exams.

Buttgrass: This was the winner of our last contest. Isn't this just perfect to describe the muppet like growth that covers some folks backsides or the jungle of hairs pouring out of some butt cracks? Here, let me use it in context for you: "Damn, girl! Mow that buttgrass!"

What Buttcabulary words do you know?

Posted by Jim | Permalink

I'll give YOU one of my points if you use all of those "butt words" in a sentence. One sentence, not one for each.

Now that's a challange!

Posted by: Tiffani at February 25, 2004 09:13 AM

The buttbus let us off at the playground and I decided to go on the buttramp instead of the buttplate since we didn't have many of them and I would have had to share with Joey (and he's a bit pushy with his buttpole if you know what I mean) but I forgot to wear unders that day and my pants got caught up in my buttgrass so they had to take me to the doctor so he could use his buttlight and untangle everything.

Posted by: Jim at February 25, 2004 09:25 AM

Very well done there, Jim. It was funny yet, I could feel I was right there with you on the buttbus. lol

Good imagination!

Posted by: Tiffani at February 25, 2004 09:36 AM

Thanks, Tiffani. It's always good to be recognized for my buttskills. In a non-homosexual way. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

Posted by: Jim at February 25, 2004 09:52 AM
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