A few weeks ago I posted a piece at ZeroIntelligence.net on a Champaign, Illinois coach who was railroaded out of his job due to a run-in with a zero tolerance policy. The story has developed a bit.
After a hue and cry from the populace, Coach Anderson was reinstated with the agreement that he would resign at the end of the season. He coached the 8th grade basketball team to win the state title.
On a more personal note, ZeroIntelligence.net is no longer accessible from computers in the Champaign School District. Their filtering software now says that the site is pornography and bans it. This could be explained in one of two ways. First, their new software is more stringent than their previous version and/or it is badly configured. Second, my site was manually added to their banned sites list.
It could be a total coincidence that my site was available to Champaign students and staff before I posted an article critical of Superintendant Culver and now it isn't. I've requested a review and statement from Dan Casing (Assistant Superintendant of Business Services & Operations for the Champaign School District) and sincerely hope that this is software error and not deliberate censorship.
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