February 23, 2004
Some mornings it's just not worth fighting the clowns that are under my bed
Weblog Stuff
Still having DNS difficulties where snoozebuttondreams.com isn't working for some people (including me at home). For now I've rebuilt the site using a base address of snoozebuttondreams.mu.nu so the site should work correctly for everybody who can actually get here no matter how they got here.
Pixy mentioned that it looks like there's a DNS server out there with a bad cache and it keeps propagating the wrong info. That makes sense as the .com worked for me at home yesterday for a short while and then it cut out again. Very frustrating and not really anything we can do about it.
For the time being I'm just going to chill a bit and play with Grow.
(Hat tip to Dopple-G for the game)
Posted by Jim | Permalink
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Hey, I linked to Grow last week!
Of course, I swiped it from Ghost of a flea.
I'll continue to sniff around the DNS to see if I can figure out what's going on.
That was Grow? I just assumed it was that weird Japanese tree growing one and didn't click on it. That'll teach me to ever doubt the Pixy!
Don't mind me, I'm just here to check the plumbing.
Hmm. Not good. You've got some pipe in your rust there.
Hey, your rememberer is working again!
Yay! I guess it was having it as the mu.nu base that was pooching it. All is well now.
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