Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
November 03, 2003
It's the sound of silence
(Category: True Stories )

Can you hear the crickets?

Sorry, no truths of life or amusing anecdotes today. I spent the morning getting a tire fixed. The same tire that was replaced two weeks ago. Actually that's not exactly true. I took the morning off so I could get the tire fixed and ended up sleeping in. It went something like this:

Eyes open.
Look at clock.
Clock says 6:30.
Thought processed begin.
"Great. It's 6:30. I can get up, have a relaxing cup of coffee, blog a bit, shower and still be at the tire place when they open. Isn't that great?"
Thought processes refine.
"I took a half day off. If I do all of that then I'll still be at work fairly early but not early enough to not take a half day off."
Thought processes crystalize.
"Screw it."
Eyes close.
Sleep resumes.

So I slept in late and boy was it freaking awesome. No sleep feels as good as naughty sleep. But the end result is I'm at work with a day's worth of work to do in half a day. Come on now, y'all know that you don't actually get time off when you take time off. Compounding this is a company meeting that starts in 10 minutes that will take about half of my half day leaving me one quarter of a day to do a day's work.

Net result, the 80% of my brain that is usually reserved for tracking absurdities and formulating humorous anecdotes out of the ridiculousness of life has been hijacked for actual rational thought. Bummer.

But while you wait in vain for something amusing to be issued on these pages, a wait doomed to result in heartbreak I might add, you can send an email to Jen for my upcoming interview. Don't you have something that you've always wanted to ask me but were afraid to posit for fear of my maniacal retribution? Now's your chance.

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