Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
October 24, 2003
Idiocy in marketing
(Category: True Stories )

So this morning I opened up the old email and had 3, count them 3, spam mails for spam blocking programs. There's just something fundamentally wrong with this marketing approach. It's like a kevlar manufacturer drumming up business by walking around and shooting people.

Normally I delete spam faster than it can register (Spambayes filters the crap out into my "Delete me, I am an intrusive mass marketing email" folder where I summarily dismiss it after a cursory glance at the subject field) but one of these anti-spam spams happened to be the first in the folder so I got a look at it in time to halt my fingers in their automatic pressing of shift-delete. Here's the jewel that caught my attention:


The Most Powerful, Effective & Intelligent ANTI-SPAM BLOCKING program EVER!
Automatically cleans spam messages out of your mailbox before you receive or read them!

Anti-spam blocking?

Do they even proof this crap before subjecting the world to their drivel? Spam blocking software would block spam. Anti-spam software would work against spam. Anti-spam blocking means that their software works against techniques to block spam. In other words they are saying "Use our product to make sure that all of the spam sent to you gets around any spam blocking systems you have in place."


Posted by Jim | Permalink
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Madfish Willie's Cyber Saloon linked in Venomous Kate on October 28, 2003 10:44 AM
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