Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
October 17, 2003
Would you like some whine with your cheese?
(Category: Other People's Stuff )

It's time for some Cheddar X.

1. What was the last person, thing or event that made you cry?
I'm not sure. It might have been when I took Bear to his first movie at the theater. That was Lilo & Stitch and I was in an emotional mood. Oldest son, Dad taking him to a movie for the first time. Just the two of us, ya know? At the end Stitch is about to be taken back to space prison when he introduces Lilo and Nani to the head alien saying "This is my family. It's little and broken but it's good." I got sniffly there.

The last time I full out cried was at my Nana's funeral, in the car on the way to the burial site from the funeral home.

2. What was your most recent vivid dream about?
It was wierd. You can read about it here.

3. What is the best bumper sticker you've seen or thought up?
Bad cop. No Donut.

4. Who was your worst room mate? Why?
The Guy on the Couch. Because he was always on the couch. Always. I'd wake up in the morning and he'd be passed out on the couch. Come back from work and he was on the couch watching TV. He didn't bathe unless he was going to leave the house and he seldom left the house. The couch had contracted serious BO and a massive depression (physical as well as emotional) by the time he moved out.

5. What do you order most often when you go out to eat?

6. What's your cocktail of choice? Or beverage for the non-drinkers?
Manhattan, dry, straight up, with a twist.

Bonus Question: Can anyone explain how Arnold Schwarzenegger became the governor of California? And how we can get rid of him?
He became governor by mobilizing young voters, trading on his star power and recognition, and openly and clearly stating the problems that California is facing. Most of his detractors focus on the first two parts but the third is the most important. Discounting that is the equivalent of saying that a plurality of Californians are morons.

There are several ways to get rid of him but they have differing chances of success:

1) Have him recalled. 20% chance of success.
2) Beat him in an election. 35% chance of success.
3) Wait until he becomes sickened enough by the skullduggery, objectivism and protectionism that has infused California's legislature to quit on his own. 80% chance of success.

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