Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
Snooze Button Dreams
September 22, 2003
Joe Theismann is a dirty little whore (SBD)
(Category: Snooze Button Dreams )

I can handle the occasional lousy officiating, even when the time crew can't seem to remember to reset the play clock. I can handle a poor performance by the offensive line. I understand that even Drew Bledsoe can have an occasional terrible day. I can even accept that it's nigh on impossible for a mediocre running game to do anything productive against the Dolphin's defense. Philosophically I can even deal with a loss to the hated Miami team. What I can't stand, what makes me sick unto vomiting, is the gushing Theismann led Ricky "Check out my dreads" Williams lurve fest that made up the majority of the "commentary" for yesterday's game.

And what's with those dreadlocks anyway? Is rasta the image of the day? But at least Ricky's got decent looking dreads. It's that half goatee thing he's sporting that pooches the image. Come on Ricky, if you're going for a goat then you need an upper and a lower. You've got some sort of chin rectangle thing going and it just isn't working. Or are you trying to create the "new look"? Some sort of dreadlock-rectangle thing (dreadtangle?). Whatever.

Back to the point of the rant. For those of you who had the good fortune to miss the Bills' humbling performance yesterday evening you may not understand exactly how far Joe Theisman had his head up Ricky's ass. Normally it would not be possible for one person to rectally intrude as far as Joe did but he had help from Mike "I am not Marv Albert" Patrick and Paul "I used to respect myself" Maguire who utilized a shoehorn and KY Jelly, resptectively, to assist in the insertion. Here's a brief transcript:

Joe Theismann: Man, Ricky is the fastest North-South runner we've seen in a long time.

Paul Maguire: He sure is, Joe. But he doesn't really run North-South as much as he used to.

Theismann: That's right, Paul. He's such a smart runner. He runs East-West so that he can run North-South when a hole opens up. He's like a modern day Barry Sanders.

Mike Patrick: Or a new age Emmit Smith.

Theismann: Absolutely. And he's so freaking gorgeous, too!

Maguire: Um, yeah. He sure is, Joe.

Theismann: I begged him to sodomize me but he has such class that he turned me down cold.

Maguire: You've just got to keep trying, Joe. Keep on keeping on.

Theismann: (wipes tear from eye) Yeah, just like Ricky. Keep on keeping on. (sniff)

Patrick: Yes!

>From Joe Thiesmann we learned that there is nobody on the Bills that can beat Ricky to the corner, nobody on either team that could take him down with one arm, nobody in the AFC with his lighning speed through a hole and nobody in North America with a larger penis. It would have been tolerable from a Madden or a Gifford because you would at least know that they were sincere about it. Then again neither of those gentlemen would have engaged in such a display because they don't need to. They are both excellent commentators with their own personalities, not obtuse ex-mediocre quarterbacks still riding the most publicized broken leg in media history as if it was some claim to legitimacy. He has to be a gushing simp because he has nothing else to offer.

The post game interview between Theismann and Williams was, if anything, more disgusting than the hours of verbal love Joey had already subjected us to. At least it was shorter.

Theismann: So Ricky, you've got the game ball and the admiration of every man, woman and child in America. How did you play so well?

Williams: I just read the patterns and followed my blockers mostly. I had a couple lucky breaks and just kept pushing as best I could.

Theismann: You were unstoppable. You were godlike. It was as if the spirits of all the great running backs in the history of the NFL were instilled in your lithe, sweaty frame.

Williams: Uh... I guess I had a really great game but it was mostly just hard work, lucky breaks and a really great effort from the offensive line. I thank Jesus for watching over me and letting me perform so well.

Theismann: Jesus would be lucky if you let him lick the toe jam from your heavenly feet. I love you. I want to have your love child.

Williams: You are whack, man. Seriously freakin' whack.

Patrick: Yes!

UPDATE: We discussed Theismann's whoring in detail in our department meeting today (I am quite fortunately surrounded by Miami haters) and it became apparent that Chris Collinsworth is also a man-whore. His infatuation was with the entire Tampa Bay team, not a single player, which makes him an even bigger slut than Theismann.

No, I'm not bitter. Why do you ask?

Posted by Jim | Permalink

Joe Thiesmann is truly the most useless talking head in all of football. He's an idiot with his head stuffed in his own record book.

I give him another year before the ether addicted NFL execs realize that he's the sports equivalent of pouring gasoline on corn flakes, it just doesn't make any sense.

That and he talks to much but says almost nothing.

Posted by: Johnny Huh? at January 6, 2004 01:28 PM

Believe it or not, I think I'm the only person in the world who has yet to see the video of Joe Theismann's leg injury. Do you have ant idea where I can find any pictues or video of that event of the web?

Posted by: Robert at January 14, 2004 09:55 PM

Sorry, Robert. I don't know where you could find imagery of the injury. The leg injury, that is. You can see the current Joe Theismann injury every week during the football season.

Posted by: Jim at January 15, 2004 08:04 AM

Here is a link to the Leg injury vid.

Posted by: martin at November 30, 2004 09:39 AM
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